In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Southern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

On Wednesday 22 October 2008 19:53:14 Malcolm Cadman wrote:

To kick the debate off ... how many people are regularly attending at
Quanta Group local meetings ?

I organise the London Group meetings, for example, and the attendance
now is only a small handful, when it could still be ( even now ) a
reasonable number.

If the "grassroots" are not being supported, then the main plant will
also suffer.

So, do you attend at local meetings ... ?  Even if only occasionally,
then it would make a difference.

I also store a lot of second user items - see my new "Retro Computing"
web page - which makes these items available to people as the Traders
are less present on the QL scene now.

Commercial items, and new items, should still be provided via Traders.

NEMQLUG (North East Manchester) has about half a dozen every month attending
from a pool of over a dozen. All are welcomed. Topics are varied. Food is
excellent. We never quite finish what we intend
(Note to self, we must transfer that database from the Aurora machines next
time) and often ramble down interesting paths of computer problems.


Hi John,

Good to hear that you have a good number of people attending in Manchester.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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