Op Mon, 08 Jun 2009 20:31:02 +0200 schreef Dilwyn Jones

I'm aware Qubide version 2 can have an Atapi IDE CD-ROM drive connected and a version of Discover exists to read some CDs.

Does anyone know if a QXL.WIN CD can be read on such a system and if so what software might be required (e.g. QCDEZE)?

I can confirm that QCDEZE will read the QXL.WIN on a CD-ROM drive
connected to Qubide2.
But not all drives I tried did work on my Qubide2, you should avoid the
really fast ones.
The next question is, could QCDEZE be adapted to read a QXL.WIN from an
msdos formatted Zip drive or EZ drive?
This would make tranfers of large amounts of data between PC's and Aurora


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