
DiscOver will not look inside QXL.WIN files on a MSDOS format disk.

It would probably not be difficult to add that facility as for testing
purposes I developed the capability to specify a disk image for any of the
formats that DiscOVER supports.   It might just be a case of exposing this
capability in the standard version - I will think about how easy it might be
to do.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bob Spelten
Sent: 11 June 2009 13:00
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Qubide 2 and CDs

Op Thu, 11 Jun 2009 08:22:02 +0200 schreef Dave Walker

> Duncan,
> DiscOVER SHOULD read the MSDOS disk format - it certainly has been 
> able to do so in the past as long as it has been formatted to FAT16 
> (it will not
> handle FAT32 or NTFS).   How big is the drive you are trying to use - I
> could probably sort out why DiscOver is not working if I can get an 
> image of the disk. If it is not large it might well compress down to a 
> manageable size.
My Zip's are 100Mb and the EZ's are 128Mb and they are formatted as FAT16.
I had not thought of trying DiscOVER to read them, I have only used it in
the past to read floppies.
My question is how to read/write inside the QXL.WIN's I have created on


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