Hi Dilwyn,
Am 12.12.2009 um 14:25 schrieb Dilwyn Jones:

It's always been my view that if you want the best dedicated "QL" system (with the option of Linux as an extra benefit) you go for a Q60. If you want the best of both worlds of a Windows and "QL" get QPC2 on a Windows PC (or using something like WINE on Linux). In other words, apart from individual preference and individual circumstances, there is no major reason why either system would be better. You just have to consider what's best for you.

I fully agree with you. There is no reason, why both systems can´t live together. I will still use QPC2 on a laptop when I (hopefully) get a Q60-system. And I hope, I don´t have to buy 10 Q60s to get one.;-)
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