Christopher Cave wrote:
There has been a problem with reading pixels using this trap for ever or at least since display modes became richer. I asked about it in this group a year or two back but this attracted no interest at the time. I was trying to write a flood facility into my CAD program but ended up having to read pixels from the screen in my code - is this something that should be done in atomic mode so all is done and dusted before another
program intervenes?

IOW.XTOP is the way to go in this case.

Anyway, I found out the hard way that the code has to allow for
different display modes!

As George said, I could see a need for a mode independent trap that's
reading a pixel value back. The scanning... not so much.

The scanning could be used for flood fills. That's how they used to be written in BBC basic many years ago, to find the extremities of a colour area, so where to stop flood filling.

I'd use this in my graphics programs if it were implemented.

I guess next question is does it return the 16-bit colour value as store din the video RAM, or if you are using pal modes (i.e. does it return 6 for yellow or the 16-bit value) and so on.

Dilwyn Jones

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