As my ROM-port is not free (MICE) and I have no Gold/SuperGoldCard I would 
prefer solution D) (although I hope I am able to do the upgrade by myslef). 

Solution A) would be o.k., too (then I would plug the interface to my Q40). 

If I did misunderstood something and solution D) isn´t working without 
Gold/SuperGoldCard I would prefer the solution for the QL-ROM-port. 

But in general every new QL-hardware is welcome!


Am 11.01.2011 um 12:15 schrieb Peter:

> Hi all,
> what would be your favorite style for an SD/MMC card "harddisk" for the 
> QL?
> I can _not_ promise to really make a piece of hardware available, but it
> would be nice to know, just in case...
> A) External interface, plugs into parallel port of SuperGoldCard
> Pro:
> - Interface also works on Q40 and Q60
> - QL Case doesn't need to be openened
> - Easy reconnect from one machine to another
> - Hot-plugging might work
> - ROM-Port remains usable
> Con:
> - Slow data transfer through parallel port handshake lines
> B) External interface, plugs into QL ROM port
> Pro:
> - QL Case doesn't need to be openened
> - Faster data transfer
> - Onboard Driver ROM
> - Works on QL without GoldCard / SuperGoldCard
> Con:
> - ROM-Port occupied
> - Complex hardware
> C) Internal interface, plugs into CPU socket
> Pro:
> - Fastest data transfer
> - ROM-Port remains usable
> Con:
> - QL Case needs to be openened
> - Only GoldCard/SuperGoldCard machines
> D) Internal interface, replacing a microdrive(!)
> Can easily be bolted inside the case, after a microdrive was removed
> Plugs into CPU socket or maybe other place
> Pro:
> - SD/MMC-card can be plugged in like a cartridge
> - Looks cool
> - Very "QL-style"
> - ROM-Port remains usable
> Con:
> - QL Case needs to be openened
> All the best,
> Peter
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