gdgqler wrote, on 25/Jan/11 16:58 | Jan25:

On 25 Jan 2011, at 16:43, Norman Dunbar wrote:

I said "That must have cost you an arm and a leg" - innocently I
assure you.
He had physical problems and very little use of his arms and hands.

Oh dear! I used to have an expression for my unwillingness to carry out
a requested task, or whatever. I used to reply "I'd rather stick my arm
in a mincer!".

I used it for many years, possibly irritating many people as I did so.

One day a new girl started at work in my office. I was just about to use
the expression, in her presence, when I noticed that she had an
artificial arm! I stopped using that expression there and then!


When my wife asks me to do something uncongenial I pretend i don't hear and 
just carry on programming, probably in Assembler. This may be equally 

Many years ago my mother ground up one of my fingers in a wringer. This makes 
it slightly more difficult than it should to play the flute. It has no 
noticeable effect on programming though.

Ouch.  Was that a punishment (8-)#

Even loss of fingers though had no noticeable effect on Django R's guitar playing.

Remember the Eric Morecambe sketch? He was in a hospital bed, with both hands in bandages. He asked the surgeon "Will I ever be able to play the piano again". "I am afraid not" "Well that's OK then - I couldn't play before".


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