Op Thu, 24 Jan 2013 07:59:49 +0100 schreef Wolfgang Lenerz <w...@scp-paulet-lenerz.com>:

You can check for SMSQmulator with the "machine" function. This will give 20 for SMSQmulator and other values for other machines.

Print machine (20 for SMSQmulator, 30 for QPC).

Thanks for making this value known.
I was wondering why my Qwatch program was drawing a different circle than on QPC2. I have added this to the machine-test-routine and updated Qwatch2 on my site.

Also the latest SMSQmulator now gives the correct "Amsterdam" time on my Vista system.

I have tried it with internet locked and virus scanner off.
I removed Java 6 and updated Java to 7.11, booting in mode 32 is faster than mode 4 but still time enough to pour myself a cup of Java. It doesn't make a lot of difference. Sometimes when nothing else is going on in my SMSQmulator this clock runs quite normal (move every sec.) but for no apparent reason it freezes for 15 secs or more. Anything else is still to slow to be practical.

The cursor is gone most of the time, making typing very difficult.
Writing one line in a Qpac2 Files menu takes 4 to 10 secs.
Placing the pointer is hit & mis, move in small steps and wait to see where it lands, if at all.

Writing this email while SMSQmulator is booting in the background, response seems a bit slower, the cursor blinking is definitly, but still quite acceptable.

Another command that is missing is WIN_REMV which I use to share qxl.win drives between QPC's, I now have to kill any QPC to let SMSQmulator access the same drives.

I'am sorry to seem so negative but between them Vista, Java and my hardware are so busy doing nothing that I cannot begin to test what this emulator is capable of.
I have to wait for my RPi to arrive and try again. ;-)

PS: The QPC test in Qmenu was only present in the early version 8. In the final 8.01 (OCT. 2008) it was corrected for the SMSQ/E test. I know that because I reported this to Jochen when it failed on my Aurora.


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