Op 31/01/2013 15:21, Bryan Horstmann schreef:
Hello all,

I've got this running now. Great potential for me. I made a folder in Program Files but it wouldn't install in there. I tried putting it elsewhere and it ran all right. I then copied the fileset to the folder which I had prepared but it wouldn't run. I am reliably toldthat this is because of the space in Program Files. So I started a new section Program_Files, made the appropriate folder and installed there. I have also got another .jar program, Genj working the same way.

* When I select Xchange, I cannot find out how to bring it up to
screen size; I've already set the screen size correctly
* I cannot select the three panel screen from the menu; if I exit the
menu to the three panel screen, how do I get back to the menu?
* How can I bring the three panels up to display size?
* How can I add my own programs to the menu?

Bryan H

QL-Users Mailing List

Hi all,

I downloaded SMSQmulator a few days ago and reinstalled Java 7 this morning.
Unzipping and installing the emulator went fast and smooth.

Some statistics:

Schiefen:551.8 32,33
Mathe:1377.75 31.31
Textausgabe:14.17 258.8
Textschieben:11.7 749
Grafik:608 59.9

Speed factor QL 128k =1

QPC2= 500.23 SMSQmulator=22.86

I could launch QDT.

Couldn't install PROWESS & PROFORMA
Progammes that lock when trying to open a file:
SUQ205N.obj (current version of SUQCESS)
QLDBAS.OBJ (my own frontend for DBAS-files)
The above Progs are all Easymenu/EasyPr . Incompatibility with SMSQMULATOR or bug in EasyPtr or am I missing something?

Have a fine weekend,

François Van Emelen

QL-Users Mailing List

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