If not EasyPTR it could be they were all done with Qliberator.
Is there an EasyPtr program somewhere that I can download?

Another option for the problems with SuQ205N and QLDBAS may be the DBAS
The DBAS database file is only read in sections through a channel and
this is kept open while the file is loaded in SuQcess and all changes
are then directly written to the file.

An easy way to test that would be to copy the database to a ramdisk and try from there. If this works better, then indeed it would be a channel I/O problem in one ofmy device drivers.

I have downloaded the trial version of suqcess and will try that out.

BMP also opens a channel to read the filenames from the picture
directory with DJ_OPEN_DIR.

Is this program on the web somewhere - preferrably with sources??

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