From: "François Van Emelen" <francois.vaneme...@telenet.be>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 3:52 PM
To: <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQmulator

Couldn't install PROWESS & PROFORMA
Progammes that lock when trying to open a file:
SUQ205N.obj (current version of SUQCESS)
QLDBAS.OBJ (my own frontend for DBAS-files)
The above Progs are all Easymenu/EasyPr . Incompatibility with SMSQMULATOR or bug in EasyPtr or am I missing something?

I have tested two of the programs:

LineDesign gives a QLib error message:

"Can't find PWS library in ProWesS"

BMP.OBJ also doesn't load files.

So far these are the only two programs I have found that give problems, but I have only started looking at my own QXL. WIN file this week,

Best wishes,


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