Op Wed, 06 Feb 2013 09:54:33 +0100 schreef Urs Koenig (QL) <q...@bluewin.ch>:

Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
Ain't computing fun?
YES! :-)

And now the question : the very easy way around this is to call the QXL
device QXL no longer, but just WIN right away.
YES, go for WIN! ;-)

This then also means that the command QXL_USE should be renamed to WIN_USE
and the Java Menu/Config and the ReadMe/UserGuide should be amended.

QXL as device name, born 2012, dies 2013, RIP. ;-)


Wait a minute!

When I tried SMSQmulator I created a QXL.win under QPC and linked that to SMSQ/M.
But the file on de hard drive is then not necessarily called "QXL.WIN".
Also the label name for the winN_ in QPAC2 is not always winN_ in my case.
So does this renaming in any way affect easy sharing of QXL.WINs between QPC & SMSQ/M?


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