Sad though this is, I have to say it seems me inevitable this was going to happen sooner or later. The constant increase in postal rates is self defeating, the more they go up, the less poeple send. Look at Christmas cards, card pennies, post 40p, just out of step. I bet we have all cut back on Christmas cards, for this reason. Many professional producted magazines are going down the same road to electronic, to keep costs under control. So we are not alone with this issue.

I have also to say writing for QLToday spured me on to write my hardware articals. It was a focal point as a publication and deadlines. Without deadlines we all go I will do that next week, then is two weeks and so it goes on and it never gets done.

As to Quanta magazine, it is not the same. The Quanta magazine format does not lend itself to 2,500 word with pictures articals. It is what it is a club magazine. However I do have some idea's for relativly short articals, that was I was going to write for QLToday. So they may appear in the Quanta magazine.

Back to a QLToday replacement, my personal prefence would be a pdf based publication. Since it would still offer the focus, that to me web sites don't give.

The only issue with pdf or any other electronic format, is are we casting asside people who still use QL's and are just not interested in the internet, or have connection (slow) problems.

The Raspberry PI has a pdf magazine, worth looking at to see what they do.

----- Original Message ----- From: "George Gwilt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] QL Today

On 20 Mar 2013, at 16:02, Geoff Wicks wrote:

So let's move on to another problem that everyone has dodged so far.

Where are the writers going to come from?

One of the reasons QL Today is closing down is that we did not have sufficient writers to ensure its long term future.

We were fortunately to have some very loyal writers but they were too few in number. I only had to lose one writer for me to be in serious editorial difficulties.

The Quanta Magazine is in a less favourable position with only two permanent writers, the editor and the news editor. If I assassinate Dilwyn tonight who will fill the next Quanta Magazine?

Until recently the date for receiving copy was consistently earlier than the date the magazine reached me so I rather gave up trying to write for QUANTA.

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