On 24/10/2013 13:43, Geoff Wicks wrote:
On 24/10/2013 11:48, Rich Mellor wrote:
On 24/10/2013 08:11, Dave Park wrote:
It sounds like Rich is making a proposition that Quanta should at least
investigate, without individuals shooting it down in flames. One
thing it
does is give Quanta access to a lot of Sinclair fans who aren't QLers -
which is the best form of advertising for the QL there is.
I don't think that Geoff was trying to shoot the proposal down in
flames - I just don't think he probably quite understood the proposal.
I understand that the Chairman of Quanta is currently away and
hopefully we can get some comments from Quanta next week
Let's not confuse two entirely separate things.
When I write I am writing purely about whether or not Quanta will
celebrate 30 QL years. What Rich does is between him and Quanta. You
cannot hold a Quanta QLis30 event if only two members of Quanta have
to attend.
True, but I also think that you cannot hold a Quanta QLis30 event with
just the committee members and 5 other QLers (as is has been the case
with the past 2 AGMs).
The QL is 30 needs to be a celebratory event not just for current QL
owners, but for anyone who wants to know what the QL was and is....
A one day event is unlikely to attract anyone from abroad and if it is
just a Quanta event, promoted to existing Quanta members and those on
the forum / mailing list, then it is hardly likely to attract other
retro computer users.
I think that the reality is that if left to the Quanta committee, it
would remain a 2 day workshop and AGM in Manchester - because it is
easier for them to justify the costs (no accommodation or travelling
costs except for 2 committee members) and only a small donation to the
Scout association, plus it is what they are used to organising and doing.
Unfortunately, previous events suggest that this is not going to be
worthwhile - many of the existing Quanta members are happy to sit back
and let the committee decide what to do - and if nothing happens then
the members will say 'oh what a shame' but wouldn't have attended anyway.
There are plenty of people on this mailing list and on the QL Forums who
are not members of Quanta, but out of them all, there are probably only
a handful of people asking for a QL is 30 event and even less who would
turn up.
That said, I am not going to arrange a QL is 30, or any other Sinclair
focussed event on my own - I need help.
So the questions which arise are:
a) What would people wish to see at such an event
b) What would be the deciding factor on whether people would want to attend
c) Should the event be organised and run by Quanta, or do people think
it would be better to have a wider Sinclair event at which Quanta would
be represented?
d) Is anyone willing to help organise such an event?
e) Where should it be held (and yes, that means people living south of
the M25 must expect to travel north of London !) unless you are going to
organise the event.
My preference for a venue would be somewhere local to me - but I have
been unable to find anything suitable that would offer interest to the
families of those that attend. Camrbidge is not exactly handy for me -
but at least the venue costs are a lot cheaper than elsewhere, and they
have all sorts of retro computers and games consoles for families to
have a go on!
Geoff and Urs - we know your thoughts already!
Rich Mellor
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