It sounds like Rich is making a proposition that Quanta should at least
investigate, without individuals shooting it down in flames. One thing it
does is give Quanta access to a lot of Sinclair fans who aren't QLers -
which is the best form of advertising for the QL there is.



On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Richard Mellor t/as RWAP Services <> wrote:

> On Wed, October 23, 2013 5:22 pm, Geoff Wicks wrote:
> > On 22/10/2013 22:21, Richard Mellor t/as RWAP Services wrote:
> >>> Thanks for the additional information. Pity I did not know this before.
> >>>
> >>> What puzzles me is why Sarah wrote in the April/May magazine as if it
> >>> was almost a done deal and then they backtrack in Oct/Nov. Surely they
> >>> should have realised what the costs were in  April.
> >>>
> >>> Unfortunately Sarah often makes statements in the magazine that she
> >>> never delivers. This has happened too often over the website. I gave
> >>> Quanta very favourable coverage in QL Today only to find I had been
> >>> duped. That's why I have been so hard on Quanta's web failings more
> >>> recently,
> >>>
> >> I thought I had put this in my original suggestion - I never suggested
> >> that Quanta fund the whole event.
> >>
> >> In April / May, so far as I know, the Quanta committee had not
> >> investigated any options for holding the event at all.  I had made the
> >> suggestion that they look at an event at Snibston in April 2014 (not
> >> Cambridge) as part of the Leicester based retro computer museum's
> >> vintage
> >> gaming weekend (which was building on the one they held there this year)
> >> -
> >> which the committee seemed to be in favour of.
> >>
> >> However, when I contacted Snibston, they were struggling to offer a
> >> small
> >> room for a committee meeting / AGM.  Talks could be held in the lecture
> >> theatre but the cost came back as £1500-£2000 for the day !!
> >>
> >> I then made a few enquiries to try and find a venue which could offer a
> >> larger room for traders and a workshop - but even then, I was thinking
> >> of
> >> an all Sinclair event to help cover the costs.  However, every venue I
> >> tried could either not offer anything, or were asking silly money.
> >>
> >> My last attempt was to try the computer museum at Cambridge, which
> >> initially seemed not to be ideal, as it is a bit out of the way, on an
> >> industrial estate with what appears to be limited parking - however, the
> >> museum have converted their large empty space into two rooms - one of
> >> which is a classroom, the other the main display hall, and said that on
> >> a
> >> weekend the courtyard outside is empty offering around 40 parking
> >> spaces.
> >>
> >> A Holiday Inn has just opened over the road from them, and they
> >> eventually
> >> came back with confirmation that the bus routes could drop people 5
> >> minutes walk away.  They also offered the cut price of £1000 for the
> >> weekend on the basis that the museum could stay open to the public
> >> still.
> >>
> >> The latter makes a ticketed event a little awkward unless you can cordon
> >> off part of the main hall.
> >>
> >> However that seemed about the best I could find....
> >>
> > Thanks again for the extra information. However it does not change the
> > point I was making. Quanta has organised enough two day events to
> > realise that they cost a minimum of £2,000. Usually you have to reckon
> > on paying £1,000 for the venue and then you have additional costs.
> >
> > QLis21 had  £2,196 in additional costs but there was a lot of
> > irresponsible expenditure - AA signposting, beads to the natives (Phone
> > trees) and the notorious "I am a Q--er" T shirts. Total cost £928. In
> > other words essential additional costs £1,268.
> >
> > QLis25 is difficult to quantify as they have put other silver jubilee
> > costs in the account. The total show costs were well over £2,000.
> >
> > Sarah wrote in the April/May magazine "we hope to provide an interesting
> > weekend". It was clear they were thinking of a two day show which would
> > have involved substantial hotel costs, particularly as in Oct/Nov she
> > named the two potential venues as Cambridge and Bletchley Park. They
> > should have known in April that there would be costs of over £2,000.
> > Then why the backtracking in Oct/Nov?
> >
> > Quanta should have sat down in April and asked the question "What is the
> > maximum we can budget for a QLis30 celebration?" I think they would have
> > come out at a figure of about £1,000. Then you brainstorm about what is
> > possible and what is not possible for £1,000. Clearly it would have to
> > have been a 1 day event,
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> >
> > Geoff
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > QL-Users Mailing List
> >
> >
> I am sorry - but what other expenses would be involved from a Quanta point
> of view for my proposal?
> £10-£15 per Quanta member who attends....
> Presumably only 2 Quanta committee members are required to attend the
> celebration event, to promote Quanta.  So there would be accommodation and
> travel costs for them - they could care share from Manchester if they came
> from the pool of committee members up there.
> A few printed magazines to hand out on the day.
> If other Quanta commitee members wanted to attend, then they could do so,
> but at their own expense.  As there would be no AGM or Quanta meeting at
> the event, there is no need for all the committee to be there.
> What other costs are you thinking about for the 2 day event?
> From my own point of view if I was going to be organising the event, yes,
> there would be travel and accommodation costs of my own on top of the
> venue costs.  But that would be it...
> Rich
> _______________________________________________
> QL-Users Mailing List

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Sandy Electronics, LLC
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