On Wed, October 23, 2013 5:22 pm, Geoff Wicks wrote:
> On 22/10/2013 22:21, Richard Mellor t/as RWAP Services wrote:
>>> Thanks for the additional information. Pity I did not know this before.
>>> What puzzles me is why Sarah wrote in the April/May magazine as if it
>>> was almost a done deal and then they backtrack in Oct/Nov. Surely they
>>> should have realised what the costs were in  April.
>>> Unfortunately Sarah often makes statements in the magazine that she
>>> never delivers. This has happened too often over the website. I gave
>>> Quanta very favourable coverage in QL Today only to find I had been
>>> duped. That's why I have been so hard on Quanta's web failings more
>>> recently,
>> I thought I had put this in my original suggestion - I never suggested
>> that Quanta fund the whole event.
>> In April / May, so far as I know, the Quanta committee had not
>> investigated any options for holding the event at all.  I had made the
>> suggestion that they look at an event at Snibston in April 2014 (not
>> Cambridge) as part of the Leicester based retro computer museum's
>> vintage
>> gaming weekend (which was building on the one they held there this year)
>> -
>> which the committee seemed to be in favour of.
>> However, when I contacted Snibston, they were struggling to offer a
>> small
>> room for a committee meeting / AGM.  Talks could be held in the lecture
>> theatre but the cost came back as £1500-£2000 for the day !!
>> I then made a few enquiries to try and find a venue which could offer a
>> larger room for traders and a workshop - but even then, I was thinking
>> of
>> an all Sinclair event to help cover the costs.  However, every venue I
>> tried could either not offer anything, or were asking silly money.
>> My last attempt was to try the computer museum at Cambridge, which
>> initially seemed not to be ideal, as it is a bit out of the way, on an
>> industrial estate with what appears to be limited parking - however, the
>> museum have converted their large empty space into two rooms - one of
>> which is a classroom, the other the main display hall, and said that on
>> a
>> weekend the courtyard outside is empty offering around 40 parking
>> spaces.
>> A Holiday Inn has just opened over the road from them, and they
>> eventually
>> came back with confirmation that the bus routes could drop people 5
>> minutes walk away.  They also offered the cut price of £1000 for the
>> weekend on the basis that the museum could stay open to the public
>> still.
>> The latter makes a ticketed event a little awkward unless you can cordon
>> off part of the main hall.
>> However that seemed about the best I could find....
> Thanks again for the extra information. However it does not change the
> point I was making. Quanta has organised enough two day events to
> realise that they cost a minimum of £2,000. Usually you have to reckon
> on paying £1,000 for the venue and then you have additional costs.
> QLis21 had  £2,196 in additional costs but there was a lot of
> irresponsible expenditure - AA signposting, beads to the natives (Phone
> trees) and the notorious "I am a Q--er" T shirts. Total cost £928. In
> other words essential additional costs £1,268.
> QLis25 is difficult to quantify as they have put other silver jubilee
> costs in the account. The total show costs were well over £2,000.
> Sarah wrote in the April/May magazine "we hope to provide an interesting
> weekend". It was clear they were thinking of a two day show which would
> have involved substantial hotel costs, particularly as in Oct/Nov she
> named the two potential venues as Cambridge and Bletchley Park. They
> should have known in April that there would be costs of over £2,000.
> Then why the backtracking in Oct/Nov?
> Quanta should have sat down in April and asked the question "What is the
> maximum we can budget for a QLis30 celebration?" I think they would have
> come out at a figure of about £1,000. Then you brainstorm about what is
> possible and what is not possible for £1,000. Clearly it would have to
> have been a 1 day event,
> Best wishes,
> Geoff
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I am sorry - but what other expenses would be involved from a Quanta point
of view for my proposal?

£10-£15 per Quanta member who attends....
Presumably only 2 Quanta committee members are required to attend the
celebration event, to promote Quanta.  So there would be accommodation and
travel costs for them - they could care share from Manchester if they came
from the pool of committee members up there.
A few printed magazines to hand out on the day.

If other Quanta commitee members wanted to attend, then they could do so,
but at their own expense.  As there would be no AGM or Quanta meeting at
the event, there is no need for all the committee to be there.

What other costs are you thinking about for the 2 day event?

>From my own point of view if I was going to be organising the event, yes,
there would be travel and accommodation costs of my own on top of the
venue costs.  But that would be it...


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