On 21/10/2013 21:13, Richard Mellor t/as RWAP Services wrote:
On Mon, October 21, 2013 12:59 pm, Geoff Wicks wrote:
I have considered Rich's proposal carefully and I like it, but sorry
Rich, you have not produced for me a business case. I have no idea from
what you write how much the show would cost Quanta. If you want this
show to go ahead you really need to do  more homework. I need to know
who the partners will be, how reliable they are, and what the relative
costs would be for Quanta. I need to know an estimate of attendance and,
given that there was a loss on the last occasion, what you anticipate
the loss to be. I also need to know more than just the venue costs. As
Sarah has pointed out there are many other costs to a show. Venue costs
represented about a third of the total costs of QLis21 and about a half
of the costs of QLis25.

I am not sure where the issue with this comes from...

The idea is that the event to be held in Cambridge would be run and
financed by me (although I would need some help).

I don't think that it would be hard to get 100 people from all of the
Sinclair world to come along to the event for the weekend, or one day -
the Spectrum is 30 show tickets cost £25-£30 from memory, and they got
over 200 visitors over the weekend.

I was thinking charge £15 per visitor, paying £1000 for the venue, that
leaves £500 buffer to cover my (and any co-organiser's attendance costs).

Cost to Quanta?  They would just pay £15 for each Quanta member who turned
up - so it depends on how many Quanta members turn up...  Quanta members
would get free entry, so maybe some QLers may decide to sign up to Quanta
and get the free ticket.  They could even do it as a discounted ticket -
so Quanta members still paid £5 (say).

Quanta would need a presence on the day, but that need only be 1 or 2
people - not the whole committee - as it is just not viable to get this
orgnised now in time for next year's AGM.

The AGM could be held in Manchester - even virtually - in April at minimal


QL-Users Mailing List

Thanks for the additional information. Pity I did not know this before.

What puzzles me is why Sarah wrote in the April/May magazine as if it was almost a done deal and then they backtrack in Oct/Nov. Surely they should have realised what the costs were in April.

Unfortunately Sarah often makes statements in the magazine that she never delivers. This has happened too often over the website. I gave Quanta very favourable coverage in QL Today only to find I had been duped. That's why I have been so hard on Quanta's web failings more recently,

Best Wishes,

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