Hmm, I think I have sent this to you. You will find this in RAMTOOL_ASM, starting at the Label "chgdev" (as far as I remember).

The whole thing was an idea of mine, Martin just ;-)) realised it. I just wanted to put all my QL-Games in separate TK2 subdirectories on my FLP, e.g.


and wanted to start every game with "LRUN FLP1_BOOT" (after an DDOWN xxx) and every game has to find corresponding files, even at MC level.

And that worked on a standard QL (with SQB+mouse) without Level 2. Perhaps it does not run with this (but I think, it is changable). .Martin has enclosed all standard devices (RAM, FLP, MDV), except "WIN", which of course should use its own way. At that time, we did not except this kind of Level 2....


----- Original Message ----- From: "gdgqler"

Or have a look at the TK3 sources. There, you could set (in the old TK2 way) a "DDOWN test", where a "BOOT" was located and LRUN FLP1_BOOT and all files were able to find other files, even in the (old TK2 way) subdirectory "test". That worked perfectly. Files in the root were always be able to be located with i.e. "FLP1_\FULL_NAME".

Some time ago went through the source code for TK3, cutting out the parts that - for me at any rate - did not work. Nowhere did I see coding which would get round the problem of filename size. But perhaps I missed it!


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