The store is now open...

The following are available for immediate shipping: microdrive felt pads,
MPlanes, QL on a Stick on 2GB laser etched USB drives - photos will be
posted within 24 hours and they're really neat in black.

The following have a short pre-order: battery adaptors (7-10 days) and
Minerva MK II (14-21 days)

Items I'm not showing in the store because pre-order times are longer than
21 days, but they will be appearing soon:
Aurora (new batch), Q-Regulator 2A and 3A versions.

If you buy pads and a battery adaptor, I'll ship them together. If you buy
pads and Minerva, I'll ship the pads now and Minerva in 14-21 days. Rich at
RWAP will also be selling the microdrive pads in a week or two.

If you're a QUANTA member, please post in the support forum and I'll give
you access to the QUANTA area which has coupons that get you big discounts.


On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Wolfgang Lenerz <> wrote:

> Hi,
>> But the "dev" device is not able to work on MC level, as far as I
>> know... Just SBasic.
> No. dev is a device. Works from everywhere.
> Wolfgang
> _______________________________________________
> QL-Users Mailing List

Dave Park
Sandy Electronics, LLC
QL-Users Mailing List

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