
your description is pretty close to the „dev“ device, but I’m still missing 
long filename support?


Am 11.02.2014 um 18:04 schrieb Ralf Reköndt <ralf.rekoe...@t-online.de>:

> Hmm, I think I have sent this to you. You will find this in RAMTOOL_ASM, 
> starting at the Label "chgdev" (as far as I remember).
> The whole thing was an idea of mine, Martin just ;-)) realised it. I just 
> wanted to put all my QL-Games in separate TK2 subdirectories on my FLP, e.g.
> Cavern
> Metropolis
> Tankbusters
> ....
> and wanted to start every game with "LRUN FLP1_BOOT" (after an DDOWN xxx) and 
> every game has to find corresponding files, even at MC level.
> And that worked on a standard QL (with SQB+mouse)  without Level 2. Perhaps 
> it does not run with this (but I think, it is changable). .Martin has 
> enclosed all standard devices (RAM, FLP, MDV), except "WIN", which of course 
> should use its own way. At that time, we did not except this kind of Level 
> 2....
> Cheers...Ralf
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "gdgqler"
>> Or have a look at the TK3 sources. There, you could set (in the old TK2 way) 
>> a "DDOWN test", where a "BOOT" was located and LRUN FLP1_BOOT and all files 
>> were able to find other files, even in the (old TK2 way) subdirectory 
>> "test". That worked perfectly. Files in the root were always be able to be 
>> located with i.e. "FLP1_\FULL_NAME".
> Some time ago went through the source code for TK3, cutting out the parts 
> that - for me at any rate - did not work. Nowhere did I see coding which 
> would get round the problem of filename size. But perhaps I missed it!
> George
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