On Fri, 26 Feb 2016, at 02:53 PM, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> Hi,
> >>
> > If SMSQlmulator can access files on the host then map /sys/class/gpio
> > into a place where it can access then all GPIOs can be controlled from
> > simple file read/writes to files in that directory.
> > 
> > Graeme
> > __________
> If this is so (I don't have a Pi), pointing, say  NFA8_ to that
> directory ought to be enough. You probably want to make sure that "NFA
> file name change" is switched off.
> I just tried this with /sys/class/firmware/ and was able to read the
> "files" in that directory.
> Have fun!
Basically you write XXX to /sys/class/gpio/export where XXX is the
number of the gpio you need to control.

A new directory /sys/class/gpio/gpio_XXX will appear. Inside that you
will find files to set/read state.

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