On Wed, 9 Mar 2016 17:39:25 +0100, I wrote:

> There's something fishy with v3.24: once compiled for the Q40/Q60, when
> trying to configure SMSQ with MenuConfig, the "Initial display mode" value
> does not show and it is impossible to configure it. When booting with the
> resulting SMSQ/E binary, I find mywelf with mode 4 consoles displayed in
> mode 8 colours...

This problem was (apparently) due to the lack of poper system date setting
before starting the build process (my Q60 RTC's battery is alas dead, and
given it's a built-in battery inside the RTC package itself, it can't be
replaced); I retried today (after checking with Wolf that I did have the
proper sources, which was indeed the case), this time after a proper
SDATE, and the resulting binary works fine.

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