There is no parallel port on the Gold Card.
There is a Parallel Port on the Super Gold Card. But it is not bi-directional. 
Only works as a simple printer port. But maybe some output pins could be turned 
into Inputs.
-------- Original message --------From: Graeme Gregory via Ql-Users 
<ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com> Date: 23/01/2018  09:21  (GMT+00:00) To: 
ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com Cc: Graeme Gregory <gra...@xora.org.uk> Subject: Re: 
[Ql-Users] QL-SD new driver 
> I've already started putting together a clone using an Xilinx
> XC9572XL, which I have lying around. The Verilog file compiled from
> the get-go, I just had to remove the additional SS lines because of
> Pin restrictions in the small chip on my eval board. The long lines to
> the board might not exactly help, though... might take a while, but I
> will try to make a GoldCard compatible QL-SD one way or another, now
> that I have your release to base it on :-)
Doesnt gold card have a parralell port?

That should be enough IO pins to connect an SD card which just needs SPI.

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