In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Timothy Swenson

>On Mar 8,  7:40pm, Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>> I agree that programming on the QL is in fatc quite a joy - once you
>> have made the effort to learn how to do it.
>Programming on the PC (either in Windows or Linux) is easier from the aspect
>that there is more documentation, more tools, and more people.
>I like programming on the QL cause if I want to tackle a particular programming
>subject, odds are, I'd be the first to do it, thereby making my program
>valuable to the QL community.
>In the PC world, odds are you are not the first to do it, thereby making your
>program just another sheep in the herd.

Yes, definitely a plus for the QL in enjoying the programming.  People
program PC's, usually, to try to make money.

>Plus, I've been using QDOS for 15 years.  15 years of getting to know a single
>OS with minor revisions (from a SuperBasic programmer view point).  In the PC
>world, 15 years covers a lot of OS revisions with major differences (MS-DOS to
>Windows being the biggest).  From language of choice (Pascal in 1986 to C, to
>C++, to Java, to ....) to programming tools (many different in the PC world).
> The QL has been something I've known and I've seen no need to change.
>Since I program for fun, the QL is much funner than a PC.  Unix is more fun
>than a PC, but no even close to the QL.

SuperBasics' structure is a classic of its kind.  When used in a
structured way it is a pleasure to put together a program.

Malcolm Cadman

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