Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> Also, I hadn't realised it was strictly a demo version, limited to 10
> sessions of use, with a delay timer on startup. DOes this mean you
> plan to make it a shareware or commercial product?

Dear QLers
  Would people be prepared to pay for HB and if so how much, or would 
you only use it if was freeware? Would it need certain features before 
you would be prepared to buy it? As CSS1/CSS2/XSL are unlikely to be 
implemented, does this effect your decision? Independent of the cost 
question, how do you feel about open source?

> I was hoping to write a short review of this program for QL Today, but
> can't even get it started!
> BTW, your site says it's 21K download, it's over 30K in fact.
Now it's 77KB
> Suggestion for new facility: pass the filename of a html file to be
> viewed as an option command parameter, to allow it to be used via
> FileInfo 2 for viewing local html files, e.g.
> EX FLP1_HB_EXE;'FLP1_hbdemo.htm'
> or add a command switch such as -b and -c to view/convert?
Command line options and a macro facility will be added. 
           Yours Tarquin Mills

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