On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Mar 1981, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> > Most people on this list have access to a PC, are another machine 
> > (UnixBox) which already has Intrernet progs, else they wouldn't be 
> > on this list. I, for myself, use a PC. Somebody on this list recently 
> > suggested that a Browser under QDOS/SMSQ/E doesn't make 
> > much sqense, since the people already on this list wiould be better 
> > of using their native browser, rather than yours under QPC under 
> > Windows.
> IIRC that person said, that a Browser under QDOS/SMSQ/E makes much sense
I meant "makes _not_ much sense", of course. 


> if it's run on a Wintel machine. For people that solely have a QL a
> browser makes a lot of sense.
> > This is a sensible argument, but I don't agree with it, for one simple 
> > erason: I don't TRUST PC browsers (nor email programs). They are 
> > often full of security holes, and are much too large, and often do 
> > things behind my back which I don't know about.
> You may be right that you cannot trust Windoze or some of its programs.
> But what is a "trusted" SMSQ/E browser worth, if the data flows on the
> basis of QPC and the underlying "untrusted" M$ Windoze?
> > This, hopefully, won't happen with a QL browser - but to be sure of 
> > that, I'd like the source code so that when something "interesting" 
> > happens, I could see for myself...
> > 
> > Wolfgang
> Bye
> Claus
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