Tarquin Mills wrote:
>Dear QLers
>  Would people be prepared to pay for HB and if so how much, or would
>you only use it if was freeware? Would it need certain features
>you would be prepared to buy it? As CSS1/CSS2/XSL are unlikely to be
>implemented, does this effect your decision? Independent of the cost
>question, how do you feel about open source?

I may be prepared to pay for a browser which (eventually) would work
with soql when that is complete, but not for an offline-only browser.

>> EX FLP1_HB_EXE;'FLP1_hbdemo.htm'
>> or add a command switch such as -b and -c to view/convert?
>Command line options and a macro facility will be added.


Dilwyn Jones

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