On 22 Mar 2001, at 16:46, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

> I though you're speaking of data accesses.
The problem, as I'e encountered it, is as follows: You start a 
QLiberated job. It hangs. Then you look at it with Jmon. You notice 
that it hangs in an infinite loop, at some instrcution which says:
<address> BRA.S <Address>.
I know by experience, that this happens whenever the program has 
some kind of (irrecoverable) exception occurring.

If you examine the stack, you can usually find out where the 
program came from, and you'll notice that it was in somme kind of 
loop, such as:

JSR (A0).

D2 (and A0) hae bit 31 set. IF you retry to step through the above 
uinstructions,under JMON, you get an address error. If you change 
D so that it poijnts to the same address, but without Bit 312 being 
set, it works, until the next time the prog goes through this kind of 
loop (where D2 generally poijts to another address, and bit 31is set 
- again.

TRhis is where I generally give up, since QLiberated progs are all 
constructed on this model, and you'd have to wade through acres 
of code and it's not sure that you could find out why this bit is set.


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