On 28 Mar 2001, at 23:11, FrançoisVan Emelen wrote:

> Well, I really can't tell. I'm not a programmer; my skills are unfortunately
> limited to some Sbasic.
> What I know about SCR_LIM and SCR_YLIM is this:
> If launch the procedure below in QD with F10 (Sbas/QD thing), you will see a
> black window (6 lines) with stippled border, but if line 100 is REM, you
> won't. 
> My conclusion is: SCR_XLIM and SCR_YLIM functions open a primary window. 
> 100  xsize%=SCR_XLIM:ysize%=SCR_YLIM
> 120  set_windows
> 9460 DEFine PROCedure set_windows
> 9480 LOCal iscompiled
> 9500   iscompiled=DEVTYPE(#0)>0
> 9520   IF iscompiled
> 9540    xsize%=SCR_XLIM:ysize%=SCR_YLIM
> 9560    PWoutln#0,xsize%,ysize%,0,0
> 9580    WINDOW#0,xsize%,ysize%,0,0
> 9680   ELSE
> 9700    OPEN#0,'con'
> 9720    ysize%=SCR_YLIM :xsize%=SCR_XLIM
> 9740    CLOSE#0
> 9760   END IF
> 9780 END DEFine set_windows
> Hope this can help you.
> Sorry for my poor English; I'm not a native speaker.
You're doing just fine!

The problem is due to scr_xlim and ylim opening a "phantom" window as 
Duncan Neithercut suggested. To be able to use the trap that telle 
about the display size, you need a "channel ID", in other words a 
channel must be open. If none is, one will be opened automatically.

That's the small one you see then.


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