Hi Derek,

>Is there any plans to incorporate the ATX power management system into the
>Q40 (SMSQ/E) rom

Tony Tebby is the only one who has the means to change SMSQ/E, and there is
more important other work, so there are no plans for power saving functions

On the hardware side, the Q40/Q60 has the "LED" output which could be used
to drive the PS_ON signal. The nonvolatile RAM could be used to save status
information. Maybe you are thinking about a sleeping system that wakes up
on a hardware interrupt from modem, so you might prefer the 68060 CPU which
supports lower power stop commands.

On the other hand, a Q40 or Q60 boots so fast that it might be enough to
switch on the power supply and just let SMSQ/E boot.

BTW the Q60 is a low-power machine anyway. The mainboard itself only
consumes a few watts. (The Q40 is also consumes only a small fraction of a
PC mainboard.)

>I am very pleased with my one, it is very stable.


All the best


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