On  Tue, 18 Dec 2001 at 20:03:02,  Peter Graf wrote:

>>It was the transistor under the heatsink..:)
>Integrated voltage regulator, not transistor.
>The user before you has probably supplied his SGC 5V externally,
>so he removed the connection of the SGC's voltage regulator output
>to the rest of the SGC.
>Solder the disconnected pin to the place where it belongs,
>and everything should work. (If I interpret your description right.)
Arghh that is a point.

You are probably right, but I _bet_ that if this is so, then the 7805
has outside pins shorted (centre is ground).  This would explain the
colour on the screen, which then goes dead.

SGC will survive a few seconds (I have done it myself) but not much

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