If I'm going to get in before the end of "seasonal cheer, Silly Season", it
had better be now...

{Readers trying to improve their English please ignore my "contributions" to
this list - it's a case of trying to make a virtue out of a vice :>)}

J' awl remember -

Yes! it's the season for another Dave ("his and hers QL Dave") and Latin

Dave was recently in a "Latin Inscriptions" theme pub - somewhere in UK.
 Of corse! it Z "Go now! before you wet your trousers..." !
Aynee learnids on the list cair to azard wot the originull inscripshun
sayd?  (Sorree, no prizis.)  ?

Learnid Tony was the only one to shed(!) a little light on the matter with -
A Latin word for 'Gents'
... but I failed Latin O level twice - my onlt one (8-)#
Well, yer can't expect to sing the Saint Matthew Passion and master Latin
can yer..!?

Thanks Tony.
The pub, I am now able to reveal, is near Oxford, England and the
inscription, I am assured (I'm no Latin scholar either) is -

"Ne tamdiu cunctatus sis ut in bracas tuas meias."


I was amused to hear someone say recently "If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd
have no luck at all!"  and Robert's  <hastily rushes back to shallow end of
pool :-)> sure made me smile!

I'll not stretch your collective patience any more now,  another little
Willie Story will have to wait - (blame Dennis - he said -"I don't
understand half of the posts on here, but this one I get. =8-)"

Back to work....

John In Wales

Got WMe on one of our m/cs @ home [not the QPC one] ... and I like it.

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