On  Thu, 14 Mar 2002 at 17:05:48,  wrote:
(ref: <H0000b5f122d3e7b.1016125546.ln4p1327.ldn.swissbank.com@MHS>)

>> That reminds me of Henry.  She used to sit on my QL way back
>> in 1994, as it was nice and warm (8-)#
>Sam is a living Van der Graaf generator. She goes near my computers, or
>me, and grounds herself. The shock - usually through her nose - makes
>her jump. I've actually seen the spark a few times - and felt it when
>I'm on the other end of it - it's quite a bolt!  :O)  She rolls over on
>the carpet building up the voltage.  I've been trying to think of a way
>to charge a battery off her, a kind of homemade cat-powered UPS...
>Sorry I'm getting a bit OT now!
At least I kept my comment genuinely on topic (do we have an acronym for
that - OT is genuinely ambiguous)

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