On  Wed, 13 Mar 2002 at 17:33:41,  wrote:
(ref: <H0000b5f122b6a33.1016040819.ln4p1327.ldn.swissbank.com@MHS>)

>> >Looks like a new box might be the solution.
>> It is more likely to be the height of the case stand-offs.
>> I found that this need to be very carefully set, otherwise
>> the I/O card
>> is not making proper contact with the socket.
>I think you are definitely right about that.  As the card is screwed to
>the back panel it pulls along the top edge which will try to lift the
>furthest end out of the socket.
>The stand-offs supporting the rear (keyboard socket) edge of the
>mainboard are both brass threaded things, whereas the one at the
>opposite end is just a nylon spacer that clips into the hole in the
>mainboard and is suspended in a keyhole shaped slot in the case side
>panel (it's a tower case).
>When I reassemble it all tonight I'll see if I can make some
What I did on the I/O cards that passed through me was remove the metal
locating strip, and file the cutouts which screwed onto the D plugs so
that the card sat lower onto the board sockets.

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