On Sun, May 26, 2002 at 11:51:22PM +0100, Roy Wood wrote:

> >This is obviously a split we
> >can ill afford, and I feel that although it should not be necessary, it is
> >in our interest to add a clause to the licence that specifically allays the
> >Grafs fears. I believe these to be that either they will not be allowed to
> >distribute SMSQ/E with Q40/60, or that improvements upon it which they have
> >sponsored will be excluded from the official distribution, or that they
> >won't be able to sell it, except as bundled with a load of extra
> >"commercial" stuff at premium prices (with the commercial developers taking
> >a large cut).
> Any addition of commercial add-ons to the 'registered distributions' was 
> been ruled out a long time ago.
> a. It would lead to too many versions to support
> b. It would lead to a spiralling cost of the product which would be 
> unacceptable to the users and hard for the trader to maintain and 
> distribute. We have therefore settled with the idea that all changes to 
> the released version are free.

I read Wolfgang's post (Message-ID: <3CF1FDC1.27815.3E1B43@localhost>) 
and it reads completely different:
  > d) Any commercial development requiring payment shall be kept
  > as separate
  > modules to the core operating system.

  No, absolutely not. There MAY be commercial developments that
  are integrated into SMSQ/E. I don't know that there WILL be.

  If it can be done that way - OK. If not, then that's just too bad and
  the development will be incorporated into the "core".

  > No development will be accepted which
  > prevents the core operating system to be used without the
  >purchase of the
  > commercial module.

  No. See above.

If you have ruled it out long ago than write it into the 
licence, otherwise don't spread confusion.


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