In a message dated 28/05/02 23:45:03 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>3) The mechanics of adding commercial developments to the core is not
>really that much of a nightmare, provided the resllers send all royalties to
>Wolfgang and he then distributes it between all commercial contributors
>(including TT) as required.  This is easy to envisage, as I am not too
>certain whether changes to the file system and graphics for Aurora would
>be that easy to implement as a separate module and I am sure that these
>are developments that users would be willing to pay X pounds to get!!
The problem that Jochen saw here and I have come to agree with is this.
Developer X adds a new file layout but wants 2 euros per copy.
Developer Y adds the ability to convert jpegs to pics and wants 2 euros
for it.
Developer Z adds another facility and wants his 2 euros.

Already the price of SMSQ/E has gone up by 6 euros. Now, what if you
want the work of developer X and Z but not developer Y. Do we have to
recompile you a new version because you don't want to pay for the Y
module ? Multiply this by  a few more developers and you have complete
mayhem. In other words, as far as we can see, the price should stay
stable and all add-ons that cannot be LRESPR'd or added as a module by
the user must be free and part of the core. This is to protect the end
user really

I agree that where possible, all commercial developments should take place as modules, but there is always the possibility that a change will be so fundamental as to require to be incorporated into the core.  This should therefore not be discounted.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Software
7 Common Road, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JR
TEL: 01977 614299

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