Mike MacNamara wrote: 
> However nobody ever accused me of being sensible. So, from a user
> point of view, Peter Graf seems to be the one with most at stake,
> his is the biggest commitment, he is, apart from Nasta, the only
> one developing the 'QL' ( of whatever flavour) and therefore his
> views are most important.

Ah, really?

... sorry, I currently don't find the words for a more appropriate

> I am completely neutral in this debate,

That one I can answer: you're contradicting yourself here.

> I feel sorry for Wolfgang, who is showing signs of wear. As a user,
> as I see it, the Q40/60 'lobby' were not involved in drawing up the
> Eindhoven license,. WHY NOT.

When I announced that I'll come to Eindhoven I was told that Peter
(who already said that he'll attend) won't come now because he doesn't
want to be in the same room with me. Later on this list he said that
he got the flue or something. Anyway, everybody knew that meeting was
there and what purpose it will have. I did free my weekend by short
notice and paid at least 3 sold QPCs worth of money to the German
railway company just to get there. If the Q40 lobby couldn't make it
this is not our or my fault. So please ask THEM why they didn't

> Wolfgang, if you don't listen to those who do not share your
> opinion, you will kill the patient that you are trying to save.

I suspect "listening" equals "agreeing" for you.


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