On 9 Jul 2002, at 15:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The problem is based upon the fact that QPC does not support anything
> after 68000 instruction set, therefore GWASS does not work on it. I do
> not know the percentages of developers working on the different QL
> implementations, but understand that a fair few of those who will work
> on SMSQ/E use QPC.

Probably most of the SMSQ/E users.

> BTW Which chip set does QXL use?? I think even that is 68020 - am I
> correct Roy??

No, 68040

> This remains a problem as both QPC and the Gold Card cannot support
> the 68020 instruction set and yet both allow SMSQ/E. 
Let's not forget the Ataris.

> Perhaps the
> safest is to rely on Qmac to assemble the core of SMSQ/E and use GWASS
> to compile specific modules which rely on the 68020+ instruction set.

Yes, that's a possibility.


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