In a message dated 10/07/02 07:04:04 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Facetiousness put aside, I'm pretty sure that we'll be able to find a
modus vivendi that will allow us to move forward. If things really
needing a 68020+ instruction set really come out, there is always a
possibility of making it into modules. Even if I wanted to be really
strict about the QMAC compatibility, ways could be found (off the
top of my head, use DC.W instructions, for example).

Yes, things do need some 68020+ instructions if the resulting SMSQ/E is to be usable on QXL, SuperGold Card, Q40 and Q60 since at least some of these, if not all, have some CACHE instructions. These, of course, use the appropriate 68020+ instructions. Obviously you can use DC.W instructions for these, but it is marginally simpler to use the instructions directly.


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