In a message dated 10/07/02 15:01:10 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

How much of an effort would it be to change GWASS itself to run on a 68000 or 68008 based QL??

Far too much I'm afraid!

GWASL, which is an amended version of the assembler written originally for the 68000/8 instruction set, will run on all machines but will not assemble 68020+ instructions. Although it has a macro facility I am fairly certain that it does not produce relocatable SROFF output. This was added to GWASS at the request of Dave Walker so that it could be used with C68.

Given that so many actual hardware QL type machines exist, I am slightly surprised that no one is willing even to consider the possibility of an enhancement of the various emulators to cover the extra 68020+ instruction set.

I may say that because of that shortcoming I would not consider acquiring QPC2 for example. Otherwise I would certainly buy it!

The net result is that I would find it very hard to consider downgrading GWASS. Sorry!

If anyone who does not have a 68020+ facility would like to have the result of a GWASS assembled output, they could just let me (or anyone else with a 68020+) have the source and the resultant file could be sent back to them. (Why not invest in a Q60?)


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