In a message dated 10/07/02 13:38:58 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am not convinced.... How difficult would it be George, to allow GWASS to work on the 68000 chipset??

GWASS needs a 68020+ to operate. But it can produce code siutable for 68000/8 (ie the basic instruction set) by the command LOW_EA (I think!). This prevents GWASS setting long branches, for example. I regularly use GWASS for programs which must be usable on all machines.

George - I think that you are missing the point here.

It would be ideal if SMSQ/E could be compiled with GWASS (or at least those modules which use 68020+ instruction set).  I know that GWASS will handle programs written for use on 68000 as well as 68020 (thanks to your sterling efforts).

However, the fact remains that a lot of SMSQ/E developers use computers/emulators which do not support 68020+ and therefore cannot run GWASS to write the code...

How much of an effort would it be to change GWASS itself to run on a 68000 or 68008 based QL??

Rich Mellor
RWAP Software
7 Common Road, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JR
TEL: 01977 614299

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