On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Tony Firshman wrote:

> The main point of the license is to ensure there is only one approved
> version in the field.
> D&D, according to their adverts, are selling a patched version.
> This is precisely what Wolfgang is striving to avoid.

Hmmm, another problem with the license.

Until they submit the changes with source to him, he can't make them
'official', so they can't sell them, thereby can't sell the Q60.

So basically, Wolfgang has veto power over their ability to sell machines,
to some extent. They "can't" sell them with SMSQ/E until he approves the
changes. This also requires them to contribute their changes to other
branches of SMSQ too, and to divulge their intellectual property.

Can. Of. Worms. *shudders*

Glad I'm not stuck in this position. :o)


  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Jochen Merz
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Tony Firshman
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Marcel Kilgus
  • ... Roy Wood
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
  • ... Roy Wood
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... dndsystems1
  • ... Jochen Merz
  • ... Tony Firshman

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