On 6 Nov 2002, at 22:55, Dave P wrote:

> Until they submit the changes with source to him, he can't make them
> 'official', so they can't sell them, thereby can't sell the Q60.

Nothing stops them from selling the Q60 with SMSQ/E as it was, 
does it?.

> So basically, Wolfgang has veto power over their ability to sell
> machines, to some extent. 


> They "can't" sell them with SMSQ/E until he
> approves the changes. 

Then sell them without the changes.

> This also requires them to contribute their
> changes to other branches of SMSQ too, and to divulge their
> intellectual property.
NO. Read the licence again.
When such a proposal is made, the person proposing it may state 
whether its change/addition/modification is to be :

-       distributed in the official versions of the source and binary 
codes, or
-       distributed in the official versions of the binary codes only, or
-       not distributed in the official versions, but alongside them.

If it is in the binary only, nobody (apart from me) gets to see it.

It's the price you pay for trying to have unified versions.

  • ... Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Jochen Merz
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Tony Firshman
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Marcel Kilgus
  • ... Roy Wood
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... Dave P
  • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
  • ... Roy Wood
  • ... wlenerz
  • ... dndsystems1
  • ... Jochen Merz
  • ... Tony Firshman
  • ... Roy Wood
  • ... Derek Stewart
  • ... Roy Wood

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