On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

> In that case.... DATAdesign for the use you want is the best Dave!

I plan to do developmental work in S*BASIC. I like to clearly lay out in
very readable fashion how everything works, especially the transactions
between servers. It'll be a simple test rig.

Once the mechanics are shown to work, I may (will?) start over using PE.

People are advising I use a database program, but that's the least of my
worries - I'm more worried about the email editor! ;)

Finally, I plan to make some of the sections portable, so later they can
be used in a simple S*BASIC web server, mail SERVER, or similar.

As I said previously, all this will be open source, probably under the
LGPL. Basically, if you sell or give the code to someone, you have to
give them the source if they ask for it.

Anything else? There isn't a cut-off for suggestions, but I'd like as much
in before I do fundamentals, and before it's difficult to do major

Also, a quickie, is there a QL equivalent of MD5 hashing so I can securely
store passwords?


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