??? 18/11/2002 6:33:43 ??, ?/? Dave P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ??????:

>What makes the QL not relevant is that people are WILLIGN to pay an arm
>and a leg to get something that will use up the resources of a 3GHz
>machine. Scary!

Yep and they end up losing the other two as well when they repeatedly bang them 
against the wall when the PeeCee hangs just at the moment they were backing the 
damn thing up :-)

>800MHz coming, eh? Anyone up for writing DVD/video s/w for SMSQ? :o)

800 MHz or not Video playback of ANY kind won't be feasible (unless you have 1Gig of 
memory or so) until true background IOSS operation is possible (ie rationalization of 
IO, metadrivers etc...)


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