On 30 Nov 2002, at 0:18, P Witte wrote:

> This is not documented anywhere in my Qptr manual!! (3rd revision)
> so its the first I hear of it. It looks like its been in the code all along.
> Ive needed such a call many a time!
> Apart from the timeout, are there any other parameters?

Enclosed a small text file with some explanations.

Some of the comments in this are mine.


QPTR Updates
The following features are available on the following systems:
QDOS, Minerva, SMS2, SMSQ and SMSQ/E.

Additional information on WM.ERSTR
This manual did not mention that there is a limit on the length of own error
messages. An own error messages is easy to create:
LEA             own_msg,A0      ; get address
MOVE.L          A0,D0           ; into our "error" register
BSET            #31,D0          ; an error is negative
Now the limit: the length of the string is limited to 40 ($28) characters.
If it is longer, "unknown error" is returned instead!

Additional information on WM.LDRAW
WM.LDRAW clears the change bit in the status are of every item which is
selectively redrawn.

Additions to the CONFIG standard
The attributes for strings have been extended, to allow menu-driven CONFIG
programs better options for a selection, depending on the type. There are two
additional bits used in the string attributes: 8 and 9. These define the type
of string, so that the CONFIG program can treat these strings in a special way.
The possible combinations are:
  cfs.sspc        equ       %0000000000000001   ; string strip spaces
  cfs.file        equ       %0000000100000000   ; string is filename
  cfs.dir         equ       %0000001000000000   ; string is directory
  cfs.ext         equ       %0000001100000000   ; string is extension
At present, these features are supported by the new MenuConfig, and ignored by
the standard config.

Undocumented SuperBASIC Procedure
SPTR has never been documented. Easy to guess, it does the same as IOP.SPTR,
i.e. moves the pointer to a given position. The syntax is:
  SPTR [#channel], xpos, ypos [,key]
  Option                  Default   Meaning
  xpos, ypos      none    new pointer position
  key             1       origin key

The origin key should be zero if the pointer coordinates are absolute. A key
of -1 will set the position relative to the current window definition. A key
of 1 will set it relative to the hit area.

Undocumented selection keystroke for SuperBASIC
It is possible to put an underscore under a selection key for text loose
menu items and text info items. To do this, specify the type to be text minus
twice the underscore position. This means, to underscore the first character,
give 0-2 (=-2), to underscore the fifth position give -10 etc.

The following features are supported on the following systems:
SMSQ and SMSQ/E from Version 2.71 onwards only.

Additions to RPTR
The QPTR RPTR call has been modified to accept job events in the most
significant byte of the termination parameter. The job event values are,
therefore, multiplied by 256. Note that while all pointer events that have
occurred since the call are returned in term%, only those job events
(including pending events) which caused the return are returned in term%.
 term% = $2001
        Return on button / keystroke or job event $20
 RPTR #ch, xabs%,yabs%, term%, swnum%, xrel%, yrel%, bt$
        Event 32 is notified by another job so the wait is terminated and term% is set.
 PRINT term% DIV 256
        Prints 32

Additions to IOP.RPTR and Pointer Record
Bits 23 to 8 of the event vector in the pointer record are already used by the
Window Manager. The 8 job events are, therefore, mapped into the most
significant 8 bits (pp_jevnt) of the event vector within the pointer record and
for the IOP.RPTR operating system call.
Note that while all pointer events that have occurred since the call are filled
into pt_pevnt in the pointer record, only those job events (including pending
events) which caused the return are filled into pt_jevnt.

New Pointer Event
Pointer event bit 6 (number 64) is now used to indicate that the pointer sprite
has hit the edge of the screen.

New Operating System Calls
Send Event                      Trap #1, D0=$3A

call                            return
A0                              destroyed
D1      destination job ID              destination job ID
D2.b    events to notify                preserved
Common error returns

The events in D2 are sent to the destination job. If the job is waiting for
one of these events, the job is released, otherwise all the events are pended.
  SEND_EVENT job_id,event   (job_id=composite nbr: job_tag*65536+job_nbr)
  SEND_EVENT "job_name",event
  SEND_EVENT jb_nbr,job_tag,event
Wait for Event                  Trap #1, D0=$3B

call                            return
A0                              destroyed
D2.b    events to wait for              events causing return
D3.w    timeout (-1 is forever) preserved
Common error returns    none
The job waits for one or more of the events in D2 or the timeout.
The events returned in D2 are removed from the job's pending event vector
(event accumulator).

        by default, timeout%=-1
Vector $78         WM.RPTRT
D2.B    job events to return on D2.B    preserved
D3.W    timeout                 D3.W    preserved
A0                              A0      channel ID of window
A1                              A1      preserved
A2                              A2      preserved
A3                              A3      preserved
A4      pointer to working defn A4      preserved
A5      not used by any routine
A6      not used by any routine
Error returns:
Any I/O sub system errors
Any error returned by action or hit routine
This routine does in general what WM.RPTR does, but allows the parameters D2
and D3 to be specified.

from basic:

    RD_PTRT main_defn,item%,swnum%,event%,timeout%,xrel%,yrel%,main_lfl%
    the event% is passed in the high byte of the word, the lower byte is ignored
    event%=1 byte, * 256 (i.e. in high byte of word)
    eg, to get all events: %11111111 * 256 (which generates an error)
                        use -1
    if event% = 0 timeout% can't be -1, must be <>-1,
    solution: pass event% as 1 (this is ignored anyway)

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