On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 13:57:48 -0500 (CDT), Dave P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Roy wood wrote:

There are a lot of free programs around - go to Theirry's website and
have a look. There are also a lot of commercial programs around too.

One of the things I think would help would be a list just like Thierry's
but with a couple of differences. Like versiontracker, it would list every
single peice of software, including works on progress. It would list their
fee/free/OSS status, version numebr, details etc. Much like Thierry's
site, but moreso!

It would also include a separate developer directory that would include
names and contact details of developers, what projects they [are|have]
work[ing|ed] on in which languages.

There should also be a developer support forum just like the ql- developers
list, but moreso!

Basically, most of these resources mostly exist already. It's just a
matter of getting everyone to update and maintain the details about
themselves in a central location. Don't make Thierry ask you. If you're
working on something, or release an update, let him know so he can keep
his site current.


I did setup something like that and based on Thierry's repository, but he decided to pick up the maintaining himself as well. But for the stuff that I am doing, I was thinking of opening a sourceforge project ...


Phoebus Dokos - Undergrad in MIS
Eberly College of Business - Indiana U. of PA

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