Dear Geoff, Dear QL-ers...

I'm one of the recently becoming back on the QL scene. My port of QLAY
QL2K wasn't be done to be shared and suply onto internet at start. This
Was just for me to used it and continuing to program for myself mainly
In SuperBasic.

Finally, the last time I was at the hospital ( and I was very young as
I had 34 years old ), I had a very difficult obstacle to cross. I use
To program a lot of and all the time, but at this particular time, as
I was a bit depressive, the only thing I want to do is QL and only QL.

My developments as more on C++ under Windows and sometimes using others

Like the effect with a drug, I just want to release a quite QL emulation
That run to use my old QL Superbasic programs.

At that was by this difficult step, I decided to release QL2K to public.

Now I can say that the world is in crisis and not only with computers,
I think that is more because people don't know where to go as we have
The Year 2000 events. Sometimes we can think there is no future. And
Technologies goes now too fast ( incredibly too fast ).

Be sure that I'm understand well all what your saying about your

I think that what QL world need should be something to be not QL
anymore. If
We want that kind of technologies works, if we want that QL traders are
If we want to continue in the same way of our hobby we have all to build
Quantum Leap of the Quantum Leap.

As it was possible at the born of the QL, it should be now possible by
All energies to build something completely new and fanstastically

Perharps by simply let born a machine without bugs ;-) ... Yes now I
think that
I really need a machine where I can program, use and continue my
computers hobby
Without having boring stuffes, without being disturb by ads... Etc...

I make some experiences, mainly giving QL2K and the original QL
documentation to
My wife in order she learn computer programming. Now she can make some
Programs and I want back she describe me her QL new user experience.

What I'm seeing that she confused between string and numeric variables
but she
Make some very small programs with succes.. 

I was talking with some friends about QL and certains says something
like " Hey,
SuperBasic syntax is pretty cool... "

So now, I think that is time to reorganise drastically all that QL world
in order
To being back competitive in that strange computers worlds where there
is only
Intel make processors, there is only 1,5 operating systems ;-) ( I want
say Windows
And Linux )... And all of noising things around this... PocketPC, Palm
Pilot, ...

I recently see here in France, that there is some new magazines that
talk about
Programming using code publishing. And I remenber the time in 80's where
we had
A lot of magasines that got Basic source code.

Now I don't have any things to say to prevent your QL scene departure,
as I really
Understand your reasons. And if someone say me something like that in my
company I say
Him that I need some holidays ;-)...

To avoid this, I know that a problem that concern all QL users... We
have all to find
New solutions for the future... The future will have some very dramatics
events ( as always
In fact ) and to prepare them will all need a computer of dreams....
Perharps this should
Be time to make a wife usuable computers ;-) ...

So note just these 3 things :
- I'm pretty bad in english and I writing a long email to you and our
- I work a lot for free for QL but I need money to live and after
hospital it's always
  necessary ( I'm not rich ;-) )
- I need for my futur and the future of my childs and a great
- I was very disapointed by some QL events and I know that is very
difficult to stay
  with serenity on that place ( but this is avalaible for all human
relationships ).
- Your experience will always be usefull for us all.

Thanks for reading this,


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