Hi all,

 There have been many varied comments on Geoff's departure, and I would
like to throw my tuppence worth in, if only as the only remaining trader
who hasn't as yet.

I read geoff's lengthy response listing his reasons for quitting, and I too
agree with most of them as the other traders have said. I also agree with
Tonys comment - 100 quid loss is nothing, it often costs me more than this
to simply turn up at a show, as a long ferry/train/car/plane combination
journey is always involved.

I love being a QL  user. I can't think of my life without there being a
black box there somewhere. Most of my closest and most trusted friends
where made via the QL in some form or other. I was Dilwyn Jones' best man
at his wedding (a favour I hope he'll return soon!) and all of the traders
I consider dear friends - including Geoff. I recall with fondness his
failed attempt to get a picture of me standing under a Union Jack flag at a
show a few years ago (I'm Irish) and the fun involved, and then finding out
he himself had Irish blood deep in his veins!!

Anyway, he is dead right is what he says. I yearn for the days when you
turned up at a show and went home with a pocketful of cash and a smile on
your face. Thing is though, we didn't get into it to make money, just to
provide a service - which is why I still do it, or a least try to, I cock
up regularly, but I still try.

I admit I have let people down in the past - I don't think Geoff was one of
them though, but I stand to be corrected. I have given Jochen several
headaches in the past, all of which were my fault, and thankfully he has
forgiven me each time - Thanks Jochen.  And also Tony, who has almost
murdered me via email on several occasions when trying to do a show flyer,
but has always persisted. Just one of the many reasons why these people are
my friends.

I too have pondered getting out of the QL scene - as a trader at least,
especially over the last 6 months or so. I have become a father, Dylan Jack
Branagh is now 4 months old and its an expensive thing, bringing up kids. I
am building a house, and commuting to Galway each week (a 400 mile round
trip as I work in Dublin) to see my fiancee and son so every penny counts
these days -I am no longer a single bloke living with his parents with
loads of spare cash to blow - those days are gone. A few years ago, I made
my last real profit at QL2000, since then, it typically costs me a couple
of hundred quid per show to go to one. I have even been to shows were I
have sold NOTHING, not a sausage.

But I too will stay with it. because I LOVE it. I love meeting the faces
and chatting with people I consider real friends - we all have our foibles,
and I have loads, but the reason I stay is the friendships. Every decent
funny story I know revolves around a QL - the night Dilwyn Jones and Simon
Goodwin where programming at opposite ends of my bedroom, and Dilwyn asked
Simon for a Floppy dick......(!) The time Roy Wood, Jim Hunkins, Tony
Firshman and I ended up in a Gay Bar in Montreal,  The time Tony spent ages
looking for a serial cable for Roy when there was one on Roys table all
along, The night Dilwyn used the Calculator on QPAC1 to divide out a
restaurant bill after a row started, and the night Jochen and Dilwyn and I
brought Marcel Kilgus out for a Birthday curry when he hated the damn
things ......... All priceless moments I remember with great fondness - I'm
laughing as I write this.

Then there was the amazing programming moments -  seeing Simon Goodwin
rewrite a portion of his DIY toolkit extensions just for me in a few
minutes, which I still use today. Sitting in Dilwyns house having a beer,
and then seeing Dilwyn jump up 'cos hes just had a great idea - and an hour
later the QL Documentation CD was done. The many hours spent working
through the night into the wee small hours before a show just to get a new
product finished, or  Watching Marcel battle with QPC and why it wasn't
working on Toshiba laptops in Dilwyns house.... amazing stuff.

I can see the day when we remaining traders will set up shop in a hall as
usual, and nobody will arrive, nothing will be sold, and that will be it -
but hopefully that a few years away yet. I do think we are having too many
shows each year now though, and a big show each year with maybe one or two
others at the maximum is where we are now at.

Thats all I have to say. Yes, the QL world is a shadow of its former self -
shock!!! Its been that way for years. Geoff has made a decision which is
very sad and he'll be missed, his eloquent turn of phrase and enjoyable
sense of humour will be now lacking at our meetings - or will you still
attend the odd one as a QL user Geoff?

Maybe you could come to the Irish QL show this year? That really is a
social event, and we had a ball last year. May be the tonic your looking
for.... let your hair down and remember why you became a QL user in the
first place.



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