Tony Firshman wrote:
> ... and the time when Phil Borman left my passport in Dover, and I
> to be smuggled around for days.
...and the Volvo chase around London when someone's suitcase got left
on the minibus driven by Phil "No Kerbstone Left Untouched" Borman on
return from Germany (or was it Eindhoven?

> ... and Freddie Vachha's breakfast there (four helpings) - giving us
> spare 'rabbit food'.
I remember Freddy Helping a waitress or three to put out a fire on an
egg griddler or something similar at breakfast at an Eindhoven

> dancing!)   I will never forget the reaction of the (very) gay
barman to
> Darren's attempts to teach him how to pour a pint of Guinness.
> Priceless.
You should see his face when he sees Guiness being poured in Wales. He
won't even go near a pint of "Welsh" Guiness ("doesn't travel

>>and the night Jochen and Dilwyn and I
>>brought Marcel Kilgus out for a Birthday curry when he hated the
>>things .........
>curry you mean, not birthdays (or was it both?)
Both, by the time we'd finished with him. The bit I hated was the
chocolate gateaux which became a gooey mess all over my shirt. Yuk. At
least we managed to force feed him pizza and chips once the dislike of
curry was established.

Yup, the social side of QL shows is not to be forgotten. For anyone
who wants to know a bit about the unpredictable side of QL shows, read
my essay on one of the Bristol shows in an early QL Today!

Dilwyn Jones

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